For Immediate Release: April 5, 2010
Contact Person: Alayne Unterberger, 813.477.2882
New Sponsors Sign On for the Third Annual Multicultural Food and Art Show THIS FRIDAY 4/9/2010!
Tampa, FL: Three new sponsors have joined our 3rd Annual FICS Multicultural Food and Art Show! This Friday, April 9, 2010, we will have amazing food from Latin America and Europe (Cici’s Pizza) as well as Ethiopian from Queen of Sheba. We now have a Silver Sponsor in the Brink Foundation and are excited to welcome the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Slavery Museum, which is generating a great deal of dialogue and interest across Florida!
Additionally, we have Fademasters III, Starbucks at Westshore Plaza and various art. This show began as a small food festival put on by youth in Town n Country and now encompasses an indoor/outdoor food and art show, complete with musical and dance performances. The FICS Multicultural Family Center, located on 6704 Hanley Road, Tampa FL 33634.
There is still limited space for vendors, and priority is given to those whose art, trade or food is complementary to our event. If interested, contact Alayne or Nadia at 813.249.8100 as soon as possible. We will charge a $5 entrance fee to cover some of the free giveaways. All proceeds from art sold are split 50% between FICS and the artists, regardless of their ages. Our raindate is 4/23/2010. Please confirm participation by phoning FICS at 813.249.8100 or 813.477.2882.
The Florida Institute for Community Studies (FICS) is a statewide non-profit dedicated to partnering with communities to help them achieve their goals through research, services, education and training.
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