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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Victor Maneulle plays "Dile a Ella" in Tampa

Victor Manuelle, famous salsa music artist, recently played a concert in Ybor City to benefit the St. Jude's Pediatric hospital. One of my favorite songs from the artist is called, "Dile A Ella", a song about "Telling Her".

This was actually the first song of his performance.

Dile a ella que a pesar del tiempo no he podido olvidarla
Que recuerdo su tierna mirada

In essence, he's telling a third person "su amiga fiel" how much he misses a former lover, and that he can't forget her. He's asking the third person to "Tell her" his feelings and his emotions.

Below is a little snipet of the song he played in Tampa.

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