I am offering some Italian lessons in Tampa through my meetup group. The proceeds will benefit FICS, who I write about often on this blog. It is a great organization helping the youth of Tampa Bay. Here is the email I received earlier today from them:
Florida Institute for Community Studies email
FICS was able to send two of our Prodigy youth to Tallahassee during Children's Week 2012! We are very proud to report back that they did an awesome job and even "ran into" Governor Rick Scott, scoring a
photo moment with him!
Here's what A.G., age 9, wrote:
I like FICS because I get to do capoeira with Mr. DA and I get to learn new stuff to do like I learned how to do a handstand and cartwheel which I never knew. Mr. Freddy is funny and I learned how to make new beats and how to do a lot of memorizing the beats. The tutors help me do my homework like Mr. Rick, he helped me with my division, fractions and decimals. Mr. Rick explains the really hard math to me because mathi is my worst subject in class....When I first came here I didn't know anybody but now I know everyone. I like it hhere because Ms. Ameerah is pretty and she is nice and I love Fridays because you can watch a movie or play games, that's why I love FICS.